Five Tips For Distance Running

Distance running can be a fun way to challenge yourself, improve your fitness or relieve stress. It can also be the cause of injuries if training is not completed correctly. With further distances, it becomes more and more important to look after your body and ensure you stay fit and healthy for the next run. Below are five quick tips to keep those legs ticking over.
Common Running Injuries

Running is a great way to stay in shape, manage stress and increase your overall health, however, it’s not without its drawbacks. While being a low-risk activity, there are a few injuries that commonly affect runners. As running is a repetitive impact activity, most running injuries develop slowly and can be difficult to treat. Here we discuss three of the most common conditions faced by runners.
SLAP Tears – Labral Tears of the Shoulder

The shoulder joint is surrounded by a ring of flexible connective tissue, known as a labrum. The biceps muscle has an attachment directly into the labrum and this is often a point where injuries occur. A tear of the labrum can occur in many locations, however the most common is at the point where the biceps tendon attaches to the labrum. Usually, this tear follows a typical pattern and is referred to as a superior labrum tear, anterior to posterior (SLAP tear).
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis classified as an autoimmune disease.
Autoimmune disorders are conditions where the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks healthy tissues. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis vary from mild to severe and as mentioned, can fluctuate significantly over time.
Overuse Injuries: Tendinopathy

Research indicates that 1 in 10 people will experience tendon pain at some point in their life.
Tendinopathy is a common condition caused by an overload applied to a tendon, most commonly affecting the ankle, hip, knee, and shoulder.
Relaxation Tips For Pain Management

Can prolonged stress affect your pain and healing? There’s a strong suggestion that it can, particularly with chronic pain. If you suffer from ongoing pain you may even have noticed this relationship yourself. Many people know that their pain is worse when they are stressed but they don’t know why.